Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

Excuses?  You want them I have them!  

Where have I been?  What have I been doing?  Well last week was the week of guests here at this old house and we love having guests, hint hint!  All of Mark's kids were here at some point last week, no special occasion, a college break for three in Grad School, and a business trip for another!  So lots of cooking and visiting was done throughout the week...  

If you have followed me for long you have followed all the house remodeling... well we still are not FINISHED!   

We still need to: 

Finish the stairway

The Stairs come down into the Kitchen and into the Front Room, We just need the time to get this project completed!  Really just a couple of days should take care of this project!

Then there is the woodwork (picture below) that needs finished AND the radiators that need painted and put back together!   The radiators should be a quick project and the woodwork well, we need to hire someone to just come and do that Mark is a perfectionist and it would take forever!  SOON!  I am being really patient  trying to be patient!  I am so not a patient person when it comes to projects around the house!!!

This past year we have worked so hard trying to get this all completed.... and have come so far!  We really don't have that much more to do on the two main levels of the house!

The BASEMENT is on my list... We have really gotten all the big items out of there and now just need to spend a weekend cleaning it up and organizing it better!

The THIRD FLOOR is another project... to start with Mark and I just have STUFF we need to go through and get rid of !  We may actually need another dumpster for that project!  Megan went through a ton of stuff when she was home and took a car load to the Goodwill!  We just need to DO IT!  If we ever decide to move from this place it will be a nightmare with everything we have up there!

The ROOM IN BETWEEN (between the apartment and the house) we need to gut the pantry and REDO that whole room which is out there!  BUT we also need to get the flooring all pulled up so we can lay the new flooring and paint the room!

OK, So we still have a lot to do... when I get discouraged I just sit back and admire everything we have already done!

I had been planning to head to Jala's this morning but it was storming so bad I didn't want to leave!  Ahh the sun is actually shining right this second!

Since it has been a rainy day here (the power was off for several hours this morning) and I am home for a change which is kind of nice, I should really tackle a project!  Sounds good doesn't it?  

Think I will play in my craft room today instead.  If I do anything remotely exciting (make something cool) I will post it!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!


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